Alert network

A SPECIFIC ALERT NETWORK trained to rapidly address any sawfish catch

To create this “Sawfish Alert Network”, the project will based on the PSRA-requin elasmobranch observers along the CSRP coasts that will improve in capacity and geographical coverage ; plus national bodies involved in fisheries control, MPA’s bodies, and local champions (in key villages. These people will be identified, trained and coached by the coordinator to develop the network and feel part of an active working group able to cover rapidly and efficiently any information on sawfish (telephone with photo camera included will be provided).


Un poster de sensibilisation spécialement conçu pour informer de façon simple et efficace les communautés de pêcheur sur les enjeux de conservation des Poissons-scie, l’existence d’un réseau d’alerte et les moyen d’y contribuer

Poster Sensibilisation version Criolo
Poster Sensibilisation version Criolo

Capture d’écran 2015-03-08 à 22.56.06

Capture d’écran 2015-03-08 à 23.05.39